The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2021 12 26

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Of a situation, became more intense or exciting heated up
The Beatles’ 1963 seasonal No 1 hit single I Want to Hold Your Hand
The symbol ending every statement in computer languages like Java and C SEMICOLON
White ____ is a cocktail of vodka, coffee liqueur, and milk RUSSIAN
____ says “God bless us, every one!” in A Christmas Carol Tiny Tim
Mud’s 1974 seasonal No 1 hit single Lonely This Christmas
In geologic time, a subdivision of an epoch AGE
Ghiberti’s baptistery doors in Florence are an example of ____ in sculpture RELIEF
Frost formed on objects by rapid freezing in mist or fog RIME
France’s oldest national daily newspaper Le Figaro
Dave Edmunds’s 1970 seasonal No 1 hit single I Hear You Knocking
Corm of (especially) taro EDDO
Cliff Richard’s 1988 seasonal No 1 hit single Mistletoe and Wine
British motoring magazine first published in 1895 AUTOCAR
An ____ contributes to a metric determining online engagement active user
American term for social awareness in an urban environment street smarts
Not bearing gifts? UNTALENTED
A skilled worker or craftsman ARTISAN
A colloquial name for smoked cannabis wacky baccy
Type of long-grain rice used in Indian cuisine BASMATI
A two-horse chariot of ancient Rome BIGA
Anarchist Mikhail ____ was initially an ally but later an opponent of Karl Marx BAKUNIN
Informally, having a liking for camping, hiking etc OUTDOORSY
Michel ____ led an unsuccessful cavalry charge at Waterloo NEY
Name of an Old English letter, a ligature of a and e AESC