The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2018 09 30

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Energy company which sponsored the FA Cup from the 2006/7 season to 2010/11 EON
Something to do just before running away TURN TAIL
On the ____ means taking part in political campaign speech-making STUMP
Footballer who scored a total of 141 goals for Arsenal, Manchester City, and Sunderland Niall Quinn
Civil rights activist who came to prominence after an incident on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama ROSA PARKS
Great brightness, or a flood of light EFFULGENCE
Sultanate whose capital is Muscat OMAN
The national parliament of Iceland ALTHING
An inflammation of the eye ophthalmitis
Instrument used for examining the windpipe BRONCHOSCOPE
The first ever duty-free shop opened at ____ airport in 1947 SHANNON
Early ____s are the second group in Everett Rogers’s “diffusion of innovations” theory ADOPTER
“I admired anyone who could ____ people” (J G Ballard) UNSETTLE
____ played Edina Monsoon in Absolutely Fabulous Jennifer Saunders
Actor whose most famous role was that of PC George Dixon Jack Warner
Someone you should not trust A BAD LOT
The ____ was Henri Rousseau’s last completed work DREAM
Panel or screen placed behind an altar REREDOS
Breakwater, typically of wood, extending from a beach into the sea GROYNE
Material thrown out, especially from a volcano EJECTA
British brand of watches, originally made in the Soviet Union, though later in Hong Kong sekonda
Song from the 1925 musical No, No, Nanette TEA FOR TWO
Actress who asks Sam to play As Time Goes By in the film Casablanca INGRID BERGMAN
Ancient Amerindian people of the south-western US, who flourished between c 200BC and AD1500 ANASAZI
German composer and trumpet virtuoso, his name very similar to that of a German statesman who won the 1971 Nobel peace prize Willi Brandt
Russian composer and pianist whose prelude in C sharp minor became so popular that he tired of playing it RACHMANINOFF
In law, an excuse for not appearing in court ESSOIN
Family of rodents which includes squirrels sciuridae
Hat named after the eponymous heroine of a George du Maurier novel of 1894 TRILBY
Sardinian tower, built between about 1800BC and 700BC NURAGHE
1949 collection of articles by Albert Einstein The World As I See It
Removable data storage medium from which an operating system can be loaded BOOT DISK
Un ____ en papier is a French “tissue” mouchoir
Any of the points on a compass RHUMB
The tense used in a phrase such as “I thought he had gone” PLUPERFECT
The positive element of Chinese dualistic cosmology YANG
A small lump, often seen as unattractive KNOBBLE
The fifth Labour of Hercules was to clean the ____ AUGEAN STABLES
Tiny African country between Ghana and Benin TOGO
Band of connective tissue consisting of collagen SINEW
Ford model superseded by the Orion ESCORT
Phrase conveying surprise when added to a question ON EARTH
Canadian poet and musician whose final album was You Want It Darker LEONARD COHEN
Deceives or, archaically, blindfolds HOODWINKS
Italian fans, especially those of Ferrari’s Formula One team TIFOSI
This penitential church service, published in 1544, was the first officially authorised service in English Exhortation and Litany
Usually followed by “out”; in a state of ecstasy blissed
President of France succeeded by Emmanuel Macron Francois Hollande
Former Leicester City manager, currently first team coach of Everton Craig Shakespeare
Kiran Desai's second novel and 2006 Man Booker Prize winner The Inheritance of Loss
The first rank held in a career as a naval officer MIDSHIPMAN
German director of films including Wings of Desire and Paris, Texas WIM WENDERS
A substance used in chemical analysis REAGENT
1993 film starring Sylvester Stallone as mountain rescuer Gabe Walker CLIFFHANGER
Abbreviation to which Q and/or I may be added LGBT
Cornish river which empties into the Carrick Roads FAL