The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2016 07 10

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Plunging neckline meeting with a frown — courage is needed VALOUR
Hindi word for a company, especially one in manufacturing udyog
Version of a vinyl record not normally sold to the public ACETATE
Painter of The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp Rembrandt van Rijn
German rationalist’s no genial mortal holding ordinary NEOLOGIAN
Queered clear one clued badly RIDICULED
The opposite of compression RAREFACTION
Artist mentioned (appropriately) in the first scene of Wagner’s Mastersingers of Nuremberg ALBRECHT DURER
According to Forbes magazine (in 2015), the world’s most valuable sports team REAL MADRID
Theodor ___ wrote the Zionist pamphlet Der Judenstaat herzl
Endless puffery gives a confused impression BLUR
Kingdom formerly part of Britain’s Gold Coast colony ASHANTI
Author of Catch-22 JOSEPH HELLER
I had very small amount cut — as was natural IDIOT
The kind of font used in the Sunday Times crossword solution SANS
Dreadful dailies having drivel back in ____? EDITORIALS
Roman unit: second and first person on order for military AS YOU WERE
Roman’s cleaner is mostly silent about boring plant STRIGIL
1966 film about a Cockney Lothario ALFIE
Birds of prey that may be black or red KITES
Heavy device for pressing clothes sad-iron
Painter of The Ambassadors, a much-discussed double portrait Hans Holbein
The size of a book with 64 pages thirty-twomo
According to a popular witticism, it’s not what it used to be NOSTALGIA
Nick Nolte starred in this 1997 US film telling the story of a New Hampshire policeman AFFLICTION
Attempt natural killer’s trick gonk
Food for soldiers RATIONS
Art work for which a mirror is useful self-portrait
Web designers add eccentricity to opening of Aristophanes’ “Frogs” ARANEA
Actor who played Sam Mussabini in Chariots of Fire IAN HOLM
Government or rule in India RAJ
Virginia ____ beat Billie Jean King in the 1968 US Open final WADE
Winter sports implement similar to a snowboard MONOSKI
Plant that’s spot on! Left with success in estate all-good
End of pregnancy? Especially in ginormous houses lying-in
Hot southerly wind in North Africa KHAMSIN
Press the flesh shake hands and kiss babies
He daren’t upset follower ADHERENT
Author of The Diary of a Young Girl ANNE FRANK
A fish named after a bird parrot wrasse
Business over, I’m near free hoagie SUBMARINE
What you need to hit the peg in croquet rover ball
A group’s set of moral values ETHIC
Inflammation of a breast or udder MASTITIS
This comes in fancy barrel and ends in some headache REAL BEER
Programming language named after a 14th century philosopher OCCAM
If lifted this judge would be almost laughable LORD
HAVE A SNOOZE rest in the arms of Morpheus
Words after “northern” or “great” in names for the amphibian Triturus cristatus CRESTED NEWT
Morning developed into a rare bit of nooky amation
Area of Bradford, known for the ____ Working Men’s Club IDLE
The ____ company’s rule became the British 39A in 1858 EAST INDIA
Harry Burnett ____ invented Peanut Butter Cups in 1928 REESE
Staff of life’s tip dipped in bit of hock offered up OMLAH
Violinist Fritz ____ wrote many pieces for his instrument KREISLER
Char picked up empty roller pen CORRAL
The film that made Quentin Tarantino famous RESERVOIR DOGS
A territory ruled by an Islamic monarch EMIRATE
Vacations spent touring old province NOVA SCOTIA
Nirvana’s lead singer KURT COBAIN
Brother’s climbing this tree SORB
Okey doke, dress hot, smashing RIGHTO
Member of one of twelve tribes ISRAELITE
Mob Capo and me — this shows how we get along ECOMAP
Clubs on a large island provide rock calcrete
Feel unwell or perform badly not be oneself
Science used to conserve the environment GREEN TECH
“You can’t have something for nothing” in the commonest acronym form tanstaafl
Biblical kingdom east of the Dead Sea MOAB
A horizontal rather than vertical way into a mine ADIT
The ____ Rocks are about 12 miles from Plymouth EDDYSTONE
Dutch master of tessellation M C ESCHER
What sound engineer may do about Queen’s parlance? PHRASING
Victorian caricaturist who illustrated Oliver Twist George Cruikshank
Someone who might produce a 45 EGOTIST
People’s congregation cut by one thousand FOLK
The best-known of Belgium’s Abbey beers LEFFE
Latin for a precious metal AURUM
English motors caught in stop sign recollected REMINISCED
I hate going out since chat with lout who’s on benefits AGORAPHOBE
From western Hispaniola HAITIAN
Comfy pad of Republican counsellor NESTOR
Name for different large deer species in North America and Europe ELK
Thermodynamic quantity represented by S ENTROPY
Traveller on snow SLEDGER
Select university must go for English unit CELL
Strategy board game in which Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Venezuela make South America RISK
Stones, shells and gravel as an oyster bed Culch
Substance like glue or cement ADHESIVE
Particular cock in Kirkcaldy upset bit of kip COWPAT
Morocco’s largest city CASABLANCA