The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2014 08 01

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Squire Headlong never could bear it HEELTAP
One of McMurtry's endearing endings? TERM
Outspoken article from 28's author CANDIDA
Very small home, say, to the value of Scott castle KENILWORTH
Fraternal, but formidable we hear, teller of tales GRIMM
Snare devised by Jacobson TRAP
Son of Atalanta to some extent chicken to sue OAP wrongly PARTHENOPAEUS
Thoreau's cloak to take off CAPECOD
Composition of such pep by baroque musician PEPUSCH
Atlas was used by Hercules to help him scrump their apples HESPERIDES
Theatre piece by Beckett PLAY
Corresponding with Jennings? ACCORDING
Final release of vehicle in bad rain NIRVANA
Legendary king in university, and the royal writer, become tedious UTHERPENDRAGON
Posthumous records of club activities PICKWICKPAPERS
Some hero guesses where the knave is ROGUE
Laureate likened it to a "sweet pain in the heart" NOSTALGIA
"Great formal wigs, with — behind" (from 1D) ATIE
Dodgy pro player making cutting-for-partners risky? CARDSHARP
20 sort of strife will include returned example - you could put money on it WAGER
Author of Pantomime at the post office (the back door) POSTERN
Sort of spin recommended by former MP for Oldham RURAL
Bracketted screenplay, made big splash , deployed Monroe doctrine NIAGARA
"Can she the bodiless dead -?" S T Coleridge, Christabel ESPY
Broad frame for novice playwright WILDE
George Russell includes afterthought as church feature APSE
Stet obeli, possibly marginal note from lenient editor SOLETITBE
Peninsular war featured in fiction by Beryl Bainbridge and George MacDonald Fraser CRIMEAN
He takes to the air in test film? PILOT
Virgil starting to make play pleasant ARMSANDTHEMAN