The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2014 02 28

crossword answers
Clue Answer
He always has a word for it ROGET
A French (or Italian?) work of fiction ROMAN
One worshipping the holy – witch gets ten afterwards HAGIOLATER
He struck first. Maybe very nearly serve us ill SERVILIUS
Primitive chap gets model (American) for Shakespeare's cynical philosopher APEMANTUS
Light character from Henry James CHRISTINA
Anderson's Captain from the seven seas, heroically drawn ASHER
Another name for Shaw ROSS
To some extent Moses hated this goddess of history SESHAT
Sculptor steep in basic modification EPSTEIN
Purification for suspect archaists CATHARSIS
Article she enclosed to doctor in council at Jerusalem SANHEDRIN
Bible singer compared his love's eyes to its fishpools HESHBON
Verdant area described by Stewart ACRE
Venerable Eastern clown AUGUSTE
He anatomised the absurd NASHE
Hippo man, left confessions AUGUSTINE
Cruel Macedonian king names leading sort of beer all over America ARCHELAUS
Lioness in winter? ELEANOR
One of voices from the brink, say CHAIN
Sort of a beech from Euripides HECABE
A pagan, I am included in Shaw's people GENTILE
Chronicler of Pilgrims' Progress CHAUCER
Attic potter from Green's home HERMOGENES
"... a poet should take particular care to guard himself against — ways of speaking" (Addison, The Spectator) IDIOMATIC
Rapid biography from Stephen? SWIFT
His values were dramatic MONTAGUE
Arrogant weaver from a people round Honduras ARACHNE
Notions for a Mirrour IDEAS
Fielding's diarist to go over on a T-crossing BRIDGET
Middleton's impartial disagreement FAIRE
Suitable occasions for amusement, pace Renault FUNERALS