The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2013 08 16

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Galsworthy dispensed it JUSTICE
Hemingway's were across the river TREES
Virgin traitor in scene of fatal rockfalls Tarpeia
Change rituals to provide intensive teaching TUTORIALS
'Do in Janie' - wrong message for murderer of Dr Robinson? INDIANJOE
Clique receiving contributions from Eliot, Huxley, Edith Sitwell and Lawrence COTERIE
Novelist uses some of Tenniel's only Danish work NIELSON
Hubbard analysed human kind ABILITY
'Why lengthen out thy maiden hours, when fate permits the noblest — in the world?' (Mrs Browning, Prometheus Bound) SPOUSAL
Totaliser gamble for philosopher ARISTOTLE
It may be binding for a bookmaker MOROCCO
Those entering service may expect such an opening INTROIT
'To see her is to love her, / And to love but her for ever' BONNIELESLEY
Whose father's statue does Sheil feature? EVADNES
Newby seaman goes on trips? MARINER
The French master is on time, like a monk LAMAIST
'The problem of — wealth distribution . . . will not yield to the well-intentioned Utopian amateurs' (Shaw, Farfetched Fables) OPTIMUM
'Socrates . . . hath — as I may so say, Philosophy' (Plutarch's Moralia, trs. Holland) HUMANISED
Hamburger left them in the air ROOTS
Early impression given by Darcy – avoiding contact in a get-together? ASOCIAL
Groan at last, unaccompanied ALONE
On which Mearns met no one STAIR
Seat for a man of letters CHESTERFIELD
Sutcliffe subject is rejected OUTCAST
Gypsy queen got jewel back with what sounds like happy falsehoods MEGMERRILIES
12-point's so indicative of artist PICASSO
Kay Boyle's characteristic of the 'mountain' that was post-war Germany SMOKING
Said to be brain's attic ROOMATTHETOP