The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2013 07 19

crossword answers
Clue Answer
'How now, Captain —! Have you quit the mines?' (Henry V) MACMORRIS
Butler's bigamous kitchen maid ELLEN
Large scale work might provide spice EPICS
Jezebel's daughter stimulating Racine and Mendelssohn ATHALIE
Royal personage with passive role in Freudian theory LAIUS
Bishop answerable for precipitation? SWITHIN
Posh cleric in battered tile might have been an opponent of technology LUDDITE
Clarence's Plantagenet countess, seen as John's earl . . . SALISBURY
High flier as outstanding backer? ARCHANGEL
Ouida's story of a dream ARIADNE
'And on his grave, with shining eyes, / The —n stars look down' (Arnold, Obermann Once More) SYRIA
Royal issue of Zeus and Io EPAPHUS
Could it be a story including a sort of fable? BEAST
Conan Doyle's Dr Leon in stark valley STERNDALE
Poet, say – or fiction writer (after office hours) YATES
Sacred text has unpaid rewrite UPANISHAD
Coarse sound of ancient traditional story from diarist GROSSMITH
Gray life revealed by one making good, very big points GOSSE
He tells the story of the killing of 24D by Oedipus – he could make it a series TEIRESIAS
A match for Roman goddess VESTA
A squadron of ravens, say SABRE
Queen from Haggard, to a degree SHEBA
Comfort offered as the strange start to the title HASTE
'Miss Cream's visit — with a week of superb weather' (Margery Sharp, Cluny Brown) COINCIDED
Poet earl to loot French town SACKVILLE
Swiss influence at the font? HELVETICA
Perhaps he (Michael) gave Goliath's sword to David AHIMELECH
She had a constant lover STAEL
Some long work that promised a test of concentration - actually puts to sleep SEDATES
Possibly as clues summarizing play 'For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo' ESCALUS
Rewritten tensely, an ordinary Victorian novel EASTLYNNE
Go back among trees sheltering Coleridge in French town LIMOGES