The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2013 04 19

crossword answers
Clue Answer
A native American writer SAROYAN
His traveller was out of luck NASHE
Shakespeare's cross-dresser who courted Woolf's transexual? GANYMEDE
Provenance of Murdoch's girl ITALY
Most of California's capital in solemn pledge SACRAMENT
Whose, in fact, was 'Chesterton's nightmare'? SYMES
Fatally drunken Greek, addressed by Pound as 'our Friend' ELPENOR
Seventh forename featured by Hawthorne SEPTIMUS
Heavyweight poet, displacing seven tons STEVENSON
A base paint, perhaps, to rename ANABAPTISE
'This is the chase' he said 'I am gone for ever' (his pursuer not mentioned in the cast) ANTIGONUS
'Thou art not so much as Bastard — ' (Wycherley, The Plain Dealer) EIGNE
Scott's PO EVANS
He felt he could speak English as well as Percy GLENDOWER
'. . . kill this lecherous itch with drinking water, / Or live, like a —, on poor-john' Massinger, The Guardian) CARTHUSIAN
Confused Ephesian wife recalled in an air dangerously evocative ADRIANA
Theatrical byway DRURY
Little sparrow with no regrets PIAF
Commander gets public transport for prophet of famine AGABUS
He observed the effects of air movement in the salices GRAHAME
Latin main character from Nicholas Nickleby could produce MANTALINI
Chef begins with cooked rice, as one who could work magic CIRCE
Scriptural writing wrongly interpreted as trash SHASTRA
Prolific novelist a long way in advance including first French person FARJEON
Doré illustrated execution of this king, said to be cruel, apparently a joke AGAG
O'Brian created a mate for him SURGEON
Burns kids WEANS
Essayist shows supplement is viable ADDISON
Xerxes possibly Hausa, not quite sure in the end AHASUERUS
Imagine an excerpt from Enderby Outside, a tender scene IDEATE
They are invited to a staged performance THEGUESTS
Slanderous slave sits there, stirring it up THERSITES