The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2012 06 08

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Elusive royal minister, followed by John (John Buchan) . . . PRESTER
Good innkeepers from Ibsen GHOSTS
Victor of Gothic fiction DRFRANKENSTEIN
Heraldic flower starts literary interest somehow LIS
Mrs Badger's second choice was a don leading a sort of dog PROFESSORDINGO
Garrick often spoke on it CUE
Kenneth Grahame stories discovered in untidy dame's yard DREAMDAYS
London's club area not the sweet spot THEIRONHEEL
Letters he wrote were fictional BARTH
Italian stories of the French clan DECAMERON
Wayward marshal seen incessantly taking Assyria to war SHALMANESER
Graves essayist as NCO? SERGEANT
He was led astray in average Wordsworth work PEDLAR
Critical part of chess game in Irish play ENDGAME
Source of cider associated with source of wine by Vita ORCHARD
– not as different Pinter protagonist ASTON
Creator of an English Götterdämmerung sounds like a gem GARNETT
Waugh horseman, say, once again a visitor – RYDER
Oddly diluted saboteur encountered by Shirley LUDDITE
Burns' wine no good for Romantic poet SWINBURNE
Soprano's dessert MELBA
Typeface for early edition of paper PAPYRUS
Extraterrestrial identified and photographed! METEORITE
He is in nearly all his own books LYALL
Bric-à-brac at the Illyrian court CURIO
and he follows Lavengro ROMANYRYE
'She sits all night at cards, and ogles at —' (Goldsmith) SPADILLE
He killed his father's killer, and his father's killer killed his father's killer LAERTES
'All's —, dark and deadly' gloomy observation from Kent CHEERLESS
A place for Sir Thomas Browne's subterranean artefacts LOCULUS