The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2012 03 30

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Professor with gold — he is bearing gifts DONOR
Bring out Leigh Hunt work to discover 'A lovely woman in a — spot' RURAL
Put out like Vanbrugh's wife PROVOKED
Titus character briefly taking centre stage but finishing in the pit BASSIANUS
A match for Somerset's Hardy figure ROSIEDRIFFIELD
our cake maker, a cult hero KEROUAC
Pull out some Chesterton to identify Leonard's woman TONTO
Deed lad performed for Nobel Prize winner DELEDDA
Language of Romance produced by boy at home LADIN
A Greek gift from Henry Adams DEMOCRACY
Carry out the final penalty of Mailer's singer EXECUTE
'In all her gates — rues / Thy bold attempt.' (Milton, Paradise Regained) ABADDON
Why shall we say it's a character from Athens? UPSILON
Spinster writer down under put it before graven images INCENSE
Eponymous daughter of The Potteries ANNATELLWRIGHT
Setting for Salinger's Allie to read poetry BASEBALL
First man in ruined olden structure, possibly a tomb DOLMEN
Isolated location of Ballard is definite CONCRETE
Children were warned by his stories BELLOC
Collins's passion for shade, revealed after his death BLINDLOVE
A herbage possibly revealing Kipling's black cat PANTHER
Put out graduate painter STUBBS
Maker of French fancies, never upset . . . VERNE
Cleans up a small part for singing shepherdess MOPSA
Godwin's wealthy squire from The Martyr Relives TYRREL
Dye Curie prepared for friend of lyrist EURYDICE
Part of Kent in celebration by Lyly GALLATHEA
Corrects garden feature in formal clothes SUBEDITS
Beer to student of Scandinavian novelist LAGERLOF
Mercurean child ravened uncontrollably EVANDER