The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2010 12 17

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Children's author takes part in local cottage industry ALCOTT
Seasonal song from 2, 21 CHRISTMASCAROL
How artist describes the beams that are left PORTRAYS
Origin of Wesker ROOTS
Trollope's came before Chesterfield CHARLES
Lady Snow drew attention to one of judgment ERROR
The devil of a writer DICKENS
I sanction new conductor TOSCANINI
'. . . a kind of garret-closet, accessible by a narrow -- ascending from the lobby' (Robert Clarke, Life and Works of Robert Burns) TRAPSTAIR
She whom a gentleman may marrry (sounds like loose thinking) BRUNETTE
He is often good at figures SCULPTOR
What remains of Percy RELIQUES
'These cates -- me, she but thought upon' (Pericles) RESIST
Poem from early Richard le Gallienne LYRIC
He introduced a certain weekly literary periodical in which two of 2, 21's works appeared MASTERHUMPHREY
Royal family name of two of Trollope's civil servants (the third was Norman) TUDOR
Talk for thorough overhaul in traditional creative work FOLKART
Lioness in winter? ELEANOR
What William le Queux's FO stories ceased to be after publication SECRETS
Room for Merrill INNER
President's residence in cathedral diocese ELYSEE
Goddesses' foundations? CESTI
Dinesen title, in a word AFRICAN
Painting with new facet in object created ARTEFACT
Arthur C. Clarke's range was so profound! (3,4) THEDEEP
Instrumental passage from Little Dorrit or Nell Gwyn RITORNELL
Juliet was like a jewel in his ear, thought Romeo ETHIOP
Rumoured war hero's bear species named for him ROOSEVELT
Early ecologist wrote summer, winter and spring in Massachusetts THOREAU
French notice German novelist REMARQUE