The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2010 10 08

crossword answers
Clue Answer
First-class backing for depth in Scoop setting ABYSSINIA
First fairly apt current figure of speech in transmitted copy FACSIMILE
Plainer Tale from (Kipling's) Hills has sluggish content INERT
A journey for Agate? EGOTRIP
Sign for printer to turn up lip and brag PILCROW
A man of letters EPISTOLER
Havana visa badly needed for Hindu sectarian VAISHNAVA
Stargazer may come to doting end EDDINGTON
Elegiac sound from distinguished portraitist? KNELL
Winged creature from Lewis PEGASUS
Nina Bawden's lived back at the seaside DEVIL
Dry run satirizing Dryden REHEARSAL
Novelist graduate manages to contain impulses BURGESS
Beauty found in the length and breadth of Greece HELEN
Walter the poet's Paris porte CHATILLON
Get newssheet returning to provide pocket-size reading PAPERBACK
''Englishwomen should never -- ', he told her' (Elizabeth Taylor, A Game of Hide-and-Seek) RUMBA
Some serpentine verse of Lawrence SNAKE
Said to be principal children's writer MAYNE
Foreseeable career path for little women GOODWIVES
Funnily enough there's some Irish in the boy at Cockpen LAIRD
One of life's tenser moments concealing some Shakespearian light relief FESTE
Trollope's country seat ORLEY
'Though this catering -- - -- be bold to call it wicked' (Milton, Colasterion) LAWMONGER
Actress in process of describing screenwriter SCENARIST
Bandit badly barding BRIGAND
Writer to stay temporarily in box LODGE
Writers offering attempts first hidden ESSAYISTS
Payback time for Chatterton REVENGE
New lingo we expect from poet and novelist INGELOW
Tennyson's rough sailor's lad in the forest ARDEN
Larcenous as Golding's bird PINCHER