The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2010 07 09

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Ironic interpretation, say, of old goat SATYR
Heretics suggest mutiny of characters in angry ship PHRYGIANS
He went from the absurd to panic - but only in play ARRABAL
Sailors miscast in Tarkovsky classic SOLARIS
He was given his own way by Scott Moncrieff CHARLESSWANN
'Though even the word Marsala will smack of preciosity/ Soon in the --------- West.' (D. H. Lawrence, Birds, Beasts and Flowers) PUSSYFOOT
'Wordsworthians were there to discover the hallmark of genius on his most insignificant -------ities' (John Middleton Murry, The Problem of Style) OROTUND
Publication I found with it in East River EDITION
His brother Robert served with Thomas Hardy TRUMPETMAJOR
The Prince of Storytellers offers work to writer on German home OPPENHEIM
His old friend found love among his chickens UKRIDGE
Argue it hopelessly to show French writer GAUTIER
he showed a preference for silver in Belmont ARRAGON
Evil spirit (like Monday - nothing new there!) ASMODAY
Some change Redgauntlet, already filled with rage ANGERED
Charles Johnson's pseudonymous protagonist SULTANA
Mystical interpretation of a Greek tempo ANAGOGE
It goes on ahead in question Portia raises . . . TIARA
Conrad makes short work of a severe attack of wind TYPHOON
Argonaut is heavyweight protecting backward chap TELAMON
He was associated with archangel to identify fellow poet DANTE
Playwright from royal house? OSBORNE
Second show of amusement for thriller writer SLAUGHTER
Frank Scott narrator OSBALDISTONE
His rehearsal was as good as a play ANOUILH
Poet finished about noon DONNE
Browning remarked his touch on the clavichord GALUPPI
Hotspur would have had his wife emulate her singing LADYMORTIMER