The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2010 04 09

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Melville narrator, and what his name was ISHMAEL
She took a realistic view of a girl's attachment LOOS
French standards had their points ORIFLAMMES
Academician in mark of respect to Lawrence work RAINBOW
Henry's treasonable Henry LORDSCROOP
Sonnet subsiding a quatrain short? DECASTICH
Floated by Heyerdahl to prove a point RAFT
English rhyming scheme for Swedish singers ABBA
Army officer, like 10's major SALVATIONIST
Bellow recorded his month DEAN
Barrier in Edith Wharton's work REEF
Roman general, and what his name was CAIUSMARCIUS
Light cavalry from Kitzbühl? (answer in History of Napoleonic Wars) UHLANS
An immortal creation of Swift STRULDBRUG
She understood Swann's Way ODETTE
'Fruits, / Which in wintertide shall star / The black earth with -- rare' (Tennyson) BRILLIANCE
Dramatist and aircraftsman SHAW
Like clerical headgear from Mrs Riddell's court MITRAL
West writer gets mixed drink near Runyon's Detroit NATHANAEL
A supporter of book reading LECTERN
He wrote nowhere in a way BUTLER
Composer seen as mug after air attack BLITZSTEIN
Cressida's lover finds setter among semiconductors DIOMEDES
'This tale might have made the fortune of a -- ' (Scott, Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft) ROMANCER
The bailiff's daughter of Islington had a weary one LIMB
Historian encountered around devastated Chile MICHELET
Hang around in the second character part in The Little Minister THWAITES
The -- (Nabokov's minutes of a board meeting) DEFENCE
Isolated cheese fancier predating Wallace GUNN
Cutting response to bad language BOWDLERISM