The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2008 12 05

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Repository for Elia's poems ALBUM
'...take care of your -- , for if ever you are made fast to her poop... she'll make every beam in her body crack!' (Smollett, Peregrine Pickle) UPPERWORKS
'Hie thee to hell for shame and leave this world / Thou --' (King Richard III) CACOCEMON
Cleaner character from Vonnegut? HOOVER
Doctrinal work might offer us art SUTRA
Occasional word new at one time NONCE
On Monday, a model friend to louche genius SARA
Prince seeks alternatives in Ring hoard IGOR
Noah myth was all Greek to him DEUCALION
Mary Renault's edict from the sea? BULL
Job's counsellor in a novel I humbly quote ELIHU
Possibly ancient as a Biblical race CANAANITES
Hesse's ruined maiden CANAAN
Hesse is at pains to show sensitivity AESTHESIS
Ganymede 'lodged' in Shakespeare's memory ROSALYNDE
Professor Rodney Whitaker's permit on the Eiger SANCTION
Blair alternatively fit ORWELL
Where readers may find ammunition in reserve MAGAZINE
Waugh's arctophile SEBASTIAN
'I'd sooner be robbed by a tall man who showed me a bit of steel / Than be fleeced by a sneaking --' (Sir Alfred Lyall, The Old Pindaree) BABOO
The Master Builder, so to speak, of detective fiction NASON
Start of century to fuel up inspiration for historians CLIO
Science fiction writer islanded in New York STATEN
Relative of Dickens's surgeon is an untidy woman SLAMMERKIN
His musical achievement was incidental, a sort of landslide ADDINSELL
Married woman, superb that is, as bishop's lady MRSPROUDIE
Playwright as graduate's vocalist MASSINGER
Donna showing skill in race TARTT
'Methinks our best wisdom lies in the -- ' (Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Leila) SWORDARM
Laurentian flute symbolically broken AARONSROD
Pyncheon coveted his home - and gave it a multifaceted roof MAULE
Uses words out of place - so heard to drop out for a while MISTERMS