The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2008 07 11

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Bill due, perhaps, for What Flashman Did at School BULLIED
Armour I dismantled to find prayer book ORARIUM
Abstract artist associated with Scottish peak NICHOLSON
Is a bill recalling Rebecca's father? ISAAC
He will carry a load if you caress him, said Emerson LLAMA
In the service of David, seen as a measure of acidity ASAPH
First man and boy to discover Australian poet ADAMSON
Convocation of deities recorded by monk ASSEMBLY
Compton MacKenzie's women were this sort of ordinary EXTRA
Eastern church and I on identification of an Argonaut ECHION
They amend all alternatives in songbook HYMNAL
South African poet, said to be coming man CAMPBELL
Shrewd - that is only care, somehow, for companion of nine ARCHIEROYLANCE
Saint book not by Charteris HAGIOLOGY
She took gold in Calydon race ATALANTA
Norton Quartet is branded BURNT
Greek expert, like Aglaia? GRACE
Whence came a good passer-by SAMARIA
South African novelist, a support to bad actors ABRAHAMS
Roman known for his posthumous friendship, we're told IACHIMO
Python poem a recantation? PALINODE
Private heresy of Tillyard PERSONAL
Peak of Shelley's early output MONTBLANC
Pale brown sort of broth aunt offers Buchan adventurer SANDYARBUTHNOT
An academic is concealing a tragic figure of Shelley ADONAIS
Morbid fear starting purely haphazardly (occult book is answerable) PHOBIA
Nabokov's was in the dark CAMERA
'On the evening of the third day, as they were smoking their -- cheroots' (Capt. Marryat, The Phantom Ship) MANILLA
River junction suggested by Nabokov protagonist HUMBERT
Out of order, but racier - to provide with headings RUBRICATE