The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2008 05 09

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Former pupil meeting is magnificent in Douglas OBSESSION
Love godess in newish tartan dress ISHTAR
Notions for Drayton's Mirrour IDEAS
Mason didn't spell Miss Wong's name thus (one could make an issue of it) SUSIE
Dismiss Falstaff's tipple SACK
Dean's in-law might be an austere sectarian WALDENSIAN
Barsetshire character in Hawthorne work FANSHAWE
Cowards's were red PEPPERS
Change typeface, for example, or fifteen in another direction RESET
Arist to influence direction STEER
'But came the tide, and made my -- his prey' (Spenser, Amoretti) PAINS
Agatha Christie built a better one MOUSETRAP
Bellow's creation recalls Colonel Bramble's creator MAUROIS
A grave, but positive review EPITAPH
Wiped out for long periods by editor ERASED
You and me at California resort for Seleucid king ANTIOCHUS
'His -- are all sound and fury, signifying nothing' (C.Bronte, Shirley) UPROARS
CIA clue is interpreted to reveal immigrant Roman playwright CAECILIUS
Presented academic on wrong date DONATED
Plentiful riches may obscure militant saint ULRIC
Plead for some new art centre attractions ENTREAT
Piles on difficulty in an excerpt from Greek letters EPSILON
Pork pie producer on goat in Waterhouse work BILLYLIAR
Wodehouse relative made seasonal appearance FRED
Sir John Davies poem said to be banned, upmarket ORCHESTRA
What play's new version does to original plot RETELLS
True as Southerne's sibling LOYAL
Those who sample US poet are versifiers POETASTERS
Sara Monday thus taken unawares SURPRISED
Pier performance and hospital series for a Greek sage PERIANDER
Strange feature of queen, appreciated by Polonius MOBLE
Scene of Graeco-Turkish struggle - met in Ely, perhaps MITYLENE