The Times Specialist - Crossword Answers | 2023 07 09

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Simple calculator whose name may derive from a Hebrew word meaning “dust” ABACUS
The core of a vertebra CENTRUM
The flax genus LINUM
The Muse of dancing and choral singing TERPSICHORE
The original meaning of Lundy was “____ island” PUFFIN
The ____ ratio of a square image is 1 ASPECT
This measuring device displays results in kW or bhp DYNAMOMETER
Relating to marriage or a wedding NUPTIAL
Protagonist of The Lion King animated films SIMBA
Mount ____ is Crete’s highest peak IDA
Inflammation of nasal membranes SINUSITIS
Flying subject of an interlude by Rimsky-Korsakov BUMBLEBEE
England’s de facto capital for five days in 1381 CHELMSFORD
Easter Island is also known as Rapa ____ NUI
Cloud formation named after a fish MACKEREL SKY
Artificial radioactive element created in California in 1949 BERKELIUM
Analyses of 36D components ASSAYS
An anagram of FIELD EVENTS self-evident
A long name for a quality of true friends loyalness
Flying from London to Paris in winter, you would set your watch to ____ Central European Time
Having strayed from an intended route off course
In Australia and New Zealand, one who sweeps a shearing shed floor broomie
Physics postulate attributed to Aristotle nature abhors a vacuum
Reused manuscripts, usually on parchment palimpsests
____ played Jill Munroe in Charlie’s Angels Farrah Fawcett
The main reason for tourists to visit Staffa Fingal's Cave
Small clusters of web pages microsites
Participant in a race involving a puzzle toy first sold in 1977 SPEEDCUBER