The Times Cryptic - Crossword Answers | 2024 05 02

crossword answers
Clue Answer
Pleasant new English description of a creed NICENE
Beset by trouble, degenerate shows sign of slowing down BRAKE LIGHT
Church body welcome after November NAVE
Tool does some calculations, we’re told ADZE
Greek party in charge of suppressing resistance DORIC
Architect’s flyer WREN
Old writer featuring in upcoming total collected works OMNIBUS
Politician flanked by two African warriors IMPI
Freezing water affected ears: SOS! ross sea
Several are flying each week, first of all a few
Abandon plane? No, lie back! JETTISON
One held by host? MIC
Protest concerning giant almost consuming rodent REMONSTRATE
It’s not important to gossip about an award NO MATTER
Cases not kept in a set-top unit, unusually OUTPATIENTS
Cold male lacking pretence HEARTLESS
Leave no mark, concealing poison VENOM
Elite individuals go after information GENTRY
Frequent drinking you ultimately had reduced ATTENUATED
Fine food shop to provide food, mostly DELICATE
Sort of ballerinas’ ensemble, somewhat reduced in a sense
Swimmer in fur coat, much warmer, losing head! OTTER
US state’s religious service: a church employs outside toilet (empty) MASSACHUSETTS
Indian dish female relative brought up, we hear nan bread
Colonel, old doctor and I going to a S American country COLOMBIA
Vessels requiring knotted ropes at bow power boats
Political group identified by your and my piece in LA Times labour party
Making last point in sung composition spinning out
Gradually moves a very short distance INCHES
Terribly bad, bad local I repeatedly trashed DIABOLICAL
Furious at Rome’s conspiracy of silence OMERTA
Short, extremely showy gesture of respect CURTSY
Cycle around centre of big Italian city TURIN
Used sneaky tactic filling in legal document DEPLOYED
Prejudice in book reported to be cut back BIAS
I shout out loud and look up and down EYEBALL
Somebody maybe taking a punt eating tail of foul fish BLOATER
Has drinks, but no starter OWNS